Drug Weight Classification

Hi, I’m attorney Derek Gray of McMinn, Logan & Gray. We are a criminal law firm located here in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. And this is our FAQ series.

So today’s topic is also going to deal with drug trafficking in North Carolina, specifically, how much weight of particular drug amounts to an actual drug trafficking charge.

So going into that question, obviously, always start with the law itself. In North Carolina, it is going to be North Carolina General Statute 90-95(h). Go to that particular statute number. You’ll see North Carolina delineates every single drug and the minimum weight necessary to amount to a drug trafficking charge.

Because we don’t have enough time to go through every single one of them in this particular video, I’ll focus on what I deemed to be the most common three drug trafficking charges that we see:

  • Typically, I’ll see a drug trafficking for cocaine. The minimum amount of weight that would amount to a drug trafficking charge would be 28 grams.
  • For marijuana, the minimum amount of weight for drug trafficking in marijuana would be 10 pounds or substantially more.
  • And then opium or heroin, which you see in a lot of pill cases, and heroin itself, you’re talking about four grams, so it really doesn’t take much to get a drug trafficking charge for opium heroin.

And those tend to be the more serious types of cases in which the DHS office is going to, you know, hold the line a lot harder than they will on a drug such as marijuana. But either way, guys, again, look at 90-95(h). It delineates all of the drug trafficking weights.

Experienced Winston-Salem Criminal Defense Attorney

If you have any additional questions about drug trafficking or you have been charged with a drug trafficking charge, please do not hesitate to reach out to my firm. I would love to discuss with you further regarding your situation at a free case review. Let’s talk about how I can help.

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Author Bio

Derek M. Gray

Derek Gray is a Partner of McMinn, Logan & Gray, a North Carolina criminal defense law firm. With more than 15 years of experience in criminal defense, he has zealously represented clients in various legal matters, including DUIs, misdemeanors, felonies, domestic violence, and other criminal charges.

Derek received his Juris Doctor from the North Carolina Central School of Law in 2007 and is a member of the North Carolina State Bar Association. With his experience as a former Assistant District Attorney, he has represented more than 1,000 criminal defense clients in North Carolina and received more than 100 5-star Google ratings.

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