Will a DWI Cause You to Fail a Background Check?

will a dwi fail a background check?

It’s no secret that getting behind the wheel after having too much to drink is an incredibly dangerous decision.

Not only does it put yourself and others at risk for serious physical harm, but it can lead to some pretty hefty legal repercussions as well—like criminal charges and financial penalties.

But if you’ve been convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI), did you know that your record might show up during a background check?

Continue reading to learn more about DWIs and how they can affect a background check.

What Is a DWI?

A DWI stands for Driving While Intoxicated, and it means that someone has been caught operating a vehicle after having too much to drink. In North Carolina, the blood alcohol content (BAC) limit is 0.08. So, if your BAC level is 0.08 or higher, you can be charged with a DWI.

It’s not something to be taken lightly—if you’re found guilty of this charge then you will face serious consequences.

It’s best practice to avoid getting behind the wheel when you’ve had too much to drink. But if you do find yourself charged with a DWI, contact a criminal defense attorney from McMinn, Logan & Gray.

Potential Consequences of a DWI

If you are convicted of a DWI, there will likely be legal implications such as fines, court costs, license suspension, probation, and even jail time.

Aside from these direct legal repercussions, there may also be negative impacts to your personal life like employment issues and insurance rate increases.

And don’t forget about background checks: many employers conduct them when hiring new employees, so it’s important to consider how this might affect you down the road.

What Is a Background Check?

A background check is when someone looks at your history to see if you have a criminal record.

Background checks can be used for lots of things. Employers might conduct them for potential employees so they don’t hire somebody with a criminal record. Banks and landlords might also use them to decide who to trust with their money or property. They’ll take information from public records and commercial databases to conduct background checks, so they can get the full picture of a person’s past behavior.

There are three main types of background checks:

  1. Criminal records check — looks at criminal history so employers can make sure they’re hiring trustworthy people
  2. Employment and education verification — ensures the information given on a resume is accurate and up-to-date
  3. Credit history check — looks into someone’s credit score so employers can see how financially responsible they are.

Does a DWI Affect a Background Check?

A DWI on your record can have an effect when employers or landlords conduct a background check. They don’t just look at misdemeanors and felonies; this includes things like traffic violations, too. So, it’s likely that your DWI will show up on your background check.

It’s up to the employer’s discretion whether or not they want to hire you based on your criminal record. However, if the job you’re applying to involves driving a vehicle, they may reject you based on your history with DWIs.

Reasons for a Failed Background Check

There are many other reasons that can result in a failed background check.

For example, suspects like criminal records and financial problems can be an issue.

But did you know something as seemingly small as an unpaid parking ticket could be enough to make your background check fail?

Any legal or financial troubles in your past may show up on your record and lead to failure when being screened for jobs, housing, or other opportunities. This can include DWI convictions, misdemeanors, felonies, arrests as well as civil court judgments or evictions.

How Long Does a DWI Stay on a Background Check?

When it comes to a DWI staying on your record, there’s no one answer. It all depends on the state laws where you got the DWI.

In North Carolina, the lookback period for a misdemeanor DWI is seven years, while the lookback period for a felony DWI is 10 years.

However, you can possibly get your DWI expunged off your record, which means it won’t show up on your background check.

Need Help? Contact McMinn, Logan & Gray Today

All of this might sound overwhelming but remember, but you are not alone.

With the help of a DWI attorney, you can fight against your charges. For example if your lawyer can get your case dismissed, your DWI won’t show up on your background check.

Talk with a criminal defense lawyer from McMinn, Logan & Gray to get started on your case.

Author Bio

Derek M. Gray

Derek Gray is a Partner of McMinn, Logan & Gray, a North Carolina criminal defense law firm. With more than 15 years of experience in criminal defense, he has zealously represented clients in various legal matters, including DUIs, misdemeanors, felonies, domestic violence, and other criminal charges.

Derek received his Juris Doctor from the North Carolina Central School of Law in 2007 and is a member of the North Carolina State Bar Association. With his experience as a former Assistant District Attorney, he has represented more than 1,000 criminal defense clients in North Carolina and received more than 100 5-star Google ratings.

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