Five Star Google Reviews
You’ve just been charged with your first DWI offense, and the weight of the consequences is...
You’ve been charged with a DUI, and the potential consequences are weighing heavily on your...
Domestic violence is a serious and widespread issue that affects millions of people every year....
If you are facing a DWI charge, you may be tempted to represent yourself in court. While...
We all know that police need a warrant to search our homes and that they must have probable cause...
It’s no secret that getting behind the wheel after having too much to drink is an incredibly...
Nervous about police encounters? After many news stories across the nation of police misconduct and...
Facing charges after a domestic violence incident? Domestic violence in North Carolina law is not...
Have you been charged with driving while impaired in North Carolina? You may wonder how severe DWI...
If you have been charged with domestic violence in North Carolina, you may wonder if the charges...
Were you charged with a crime? Could your activity on a social media platform be used against you...
If you’ve been charged with a drug trafficking crime, you may hear the term “minimum mandatory...